Questions about laptop stands (Part1)
We took part in a listening experiment and collected some frequent questions on laptop stands. There were around three hundred questions in total. We will work our way through, and post our answers to them here.
The answer is laptop stand - what was the question?!
Are laptop stand worth it?
Yes they absolutely are. The benefits to your spine health alone from raising your screen to the correct height far exceed the initial cost of a laptop stand.
Is laptop stand necessary?
A laptop stand is entirely necessary if you wish to have your screen at the correct height. You could use some old bricks, but you may find that they scratch the bottom of your laptop.
Is laptop stand good?
All Desire2 laptop stands are very good. We engineer them from high quality materials and test them extensively. We guarantee them for three years.
How much are laptop stand?
Our range varies in price from £19.99 for the Travel Laptop Stand to £51.99 for the Supreme Dual Pivot.
Is it worth getting a laptop stand?
In simple terms, yes! Assume that you earn UK minimum wage (£73.44 for an 8 hour day) If you use a laptop stand to correct your posture, and it saves you just 1 day of absence from back pain - then even our most expensive stand will leave you £21.45 better off. If you lose a week due to back problems, then the savings are £315.21. And this is before you factor other costs incurred for things like prescriptions or physiotherapy.
Can you type on laptop stand?
Yes you can, this is totally possible. Our stands are all strong enough to allow this. It would be worth noting that the use of an additional keyboard will make your set up more ergonomic and would be a sensible choice for your wrist health.
What can I use as a laptop stand?
You can use anything that provides a stable base and raises your laptop to the correct height. From a block of wood to a stack of books, any impromptu solution will work. BUT we would recommend doing it properly with one of our purpose built laptop stands that not only get your laptop to the correct height, but also add the ‘wow factor’ to your set up.
How to use laptop stand
Set it to the correct height, then place your laptop on it. For added points, connect your second monitor, external keyboard and mouse and your desktop speakers to the laptop to activate dream set up status.
How to make laptop stand?
We take premium materials like aluminium and use validated industrial designs and skilled assembly workers to build ours…
If you have any questions you would like adding - please drop us a line from the contact pages and we will add them to the next addition.